No Ka’ oi


December 29, 2022

In a 10 min window:

0-2 min: 12 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

2-4 min: 10 Clean and Jerk (155/105)

4-6 min: 8 Clean and Jerk (185/125)

6-8 min: 6 Clean and Jerk (205/145)

8-10 min: Max Clean and Jerk (225/155)

-Goal: Choose loading that allows you to get into the 6-8 min window. If you don't complete the specified reps within the minute you're done with the workout

Optional Accessory: Midline Workout

AMRAP 6 min for Quality

10 Hip Extension

:20 sec Flutter Kick

50' Sandbag Bearhug Carry (heavy)